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Deuba | Adtriba

Overvaluation to Optimization: Deuba's Marketing Transformation

Explore Deuba’s marketing transformation with Adtriba’s AI-powered UMM solution, achieving cost-efficient marketing with a holistic, unified view of all marketing activities.

Case Study Insights

  • Deuba's collaboration with Adtriba's UMM solution revolutionized marketing efficiency, shifting from overvaluation to optimization for more effective resource allocation.

  • Adtriba's UMM revealed the real impact of social ads, leading to an impressive 60% to 80% boost in attributed conversions, highlighting precise attribution's effectiveness.

  • Adtriba's solution corrected the overvaluation of Google Ad clicks, enabling Deuba to evaluate Google Ads campaigns more holistically. 
mark prediger deuba

Moving from last-click to holistic measurement, including display and social ad impressions, empowers accurate ROI assessment for every marketing move.

Mark Prediger

Head of Onlineshops & Marketing
