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Adtriba is now part of Funnel

Adtriba is now part of Funnel.​​

We started Adtriba with the goal to democratize data analysis and help businesses to become truly data-driven. As a data scientist, I learned firsthand about the impact of analysis, and it became clear that marketing was the department where this was most evident. I also learned that many marketers were not content with just proving that their marketing and advertising work – they wanted to improve it.

With the arrival of performance marketing 20 years ago, data became readily available. And even if attribution was basic, it was a big step forward. 

Recently, things have changed. With the volume of data growing (and traditional tracking and attribution being disrupted by regulation alongside technology changes), many companies find themselves looking for a better way to analyze and improve their marketing.

At Adtriba, we have seen companies pivoting from exclusively looking at performance marketing metrics to also include top-of-funnel and brand marketing metrics. The reason is simple: it became too expensive and inefficient to only consider the very last step in a buyer journey. To help drive this change, we realized that we need to make advanced measurement more accessible and available to many more organizations. We needed to be part of a bigger platform.

That is why I am very excited to announce that we are, today, becoming a part of Funnel, the leading marketing intelligence platform.

A new but very familiar home

For the last four years, Funnel has been the preferred platform for our customers to collect and map their marketing data before they add the advanced attribution and measurement tools that we offer. The integration has provided great value to our customers, and we have seen that the combination of the two technologies has been an important differentiator.

It made perfect sense to explore if the partnership could become something bigger, something that would both make our technology available to more companies and allow us to innovate faster and add more value to our customers. We are incredibly excited to join the very talented Funnel team as a wholly owned subsidiary. We will continue to operate under the Adtriba brand for now, but will be an integral part of the Funnel organisation starting today.

What this means for our customers

Being a part of Funnel will allow us to create an even deeper integration between Funnel’s Data Hub and Adtriba’s measurement and triangulation capabilities. It will also draw on Funnel’s extensive experience in managing very large data volumes and allow customers to get access to a global support and success organization. Most importantly though, we will be able to create a world-class measurement product that is more accurate, faster, and easier to use than any other solution out there.

Many of our customers already use Funnel and Adtriba. Going forward, you will find an even stronger partner in the new, combined company. Soon, you will also see benefits in your workflow – being able to manage your data hub and your measurement dashboards in the same place. We think you will love it!

For any customer not already using Funnel, the Adtriba solution will continue to work as before, though we are happy to provide an easy path to adding Funnel to your subscription. You can expect a seamlessly integrated Data Hub that allows you to collect and model data much faster and more reliably than you might have been able to do before.

All customers will enjoy the same great customer service as today, with the added backing of the Funnel team.

What is Funnel Marketing Intelligence?

With its Data Hub and Dashboards (the latter of which launched earlier this year), Funnel provides marketers with a robust suite of tools that go far beyond analyzing performance. They help marketers grasp what underpins any of the gains they experience as well as where optimizations need to be made. 

By building the visualization, and now measurement, tools on top of the Data Hub, they enable a much faster transition between data exploration, analysis, and reporting. You can easily flow between spotting correlations and understanding the details behind them.  They also offer best-in-class connectors to leading BI and visualization tools like Looker Studio, Power BI, and Tableau.

Learn more about Funnel Marketing Intelligence here.

We are very proud of what we have already achieved, but we are not content. We want to make measurement accessible to many more companies, and we want companies already using our solution to realize improved outcomes with a platform that is more powerful and easier to use.


János Moldvay
Managing Director, Adtriba GmbH and Vice President of Measurement, Funnel AB

Leverage unbiased marketing measurement with Adtriba.